How To Lock Folders In Windows 11?

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Everyone needs privacy in their personal life. They don't want to let everyone know everything about him. We can't allow our family members or any third person to access our computer without our permission.

Lock Folders in Windows 11

We might have some files or folders on our computer that we don't want to share with anyone. For that purpose, Windows 11, just like windows 10, has a built-in encryption feature, which lets you encrypt your files and folders. However, encrypting the files or folders prohibits those who can't log in to your computer. If, for example, your family members can log in to your account, then encrypting the folder will not be much helpful in hiding your folders.

Some files or folders need to be password protected or locked quite securely. Let's say you have some confidential or susceptible official documents. In that case, you cannot rely only on the built-in encryption of Windows 11. So, you are suggested to use the third-party software, which can better protect, hide, and lock files and folders for you.

Folder Lock

Folder Lock for Windows 10/11 is the easiest and the best software to encrypt, hide, lock, or password protect your files, folders, or even your entire drive in a few seconds. Here’s how you can use it.

  1. Go to the website, click on Folder Lock, and then click Download for windows. Open the Folder Lock .exe file and install it on your Windows 11 with the help of the installation wizard.
  2. Open Folder Lock and set your master password on the app. Remember the password to access your files or folders in Folder Lock.Open Folder Lock
  3. On top of the left sidebar, you will see the lock folder option. Click on it and select Add items to Lock.
  4. To lock folders, click on Add folders. Search and select the folder you want to lock and click on Add folders
  5. When you add a folder, you will see the green lock icon below the protection tab, which means that the folder is locked and lock icon

You can also create a specific and separate encrypted drive for the files and folders you want to hide and secure.

  1. Click on the encrypted files from the left sidebar and select create locker.
  2. Name your locker in the Locker name box, and add location in the Create inbox.
  3. Press next and set your password.
  4. Set the size for your locker. The minimum size to create a locker is 300 MB.
  5. Press finish, and the locker will be created successfully. Now that you have created a locker, you can add files and folders to your locker, and no one will be allowed to access your folders without your permission.

Windows built-in 

If you want to use Windows built-in encryption to hide your folders, you can simply follow this procedure. It will work on all versions of Windows 11 and 10, except for windows home.

  1. Search for the folder you want to hide and right-click on it.
  2. Select properties. Under the properties section, click on Advance.the properties section
  3. The advance attributes section will pop up.advance attributes
  4. Search for "encrypt contents to secure data", check-mark the box beside it, and press OK.encrypt contents to secure data
  5. Press Apply, confirm attribute changes window will pop up.
  6. You can either select Apply changes to this folder only to encrypt the select folder or choose "Apply changes to this folder, subfolder, and files" to encrypt the main folder and files and folders within the main folder.
  7.  After selection, click OK.
  8. Press Apply, and if you see a notification to back up your file encryption key, press the back up now option.
  9. Follow the onscreen instructions on Certificate Export Wizard to create the encryption certificate with the password used to access your encrypted folder.
  10. Insert a strong password.
  11. Click OK, and the folder will be encrypted successfully on windows 11.

Use WinRAR

Another way to hide your folder is WinRAR or 7 Zip. This process is the same for all versions of windows.

  1. Search for the folder you want to hide.
  2. Right-click on it and select Add to Add to Archive
  3. Edit a name and set a format.Edit a name
  4. Select set password, insert a password and press OK.password and press OK
  5. Again, press OK, and the file will be compressed.Again press OK

When you want to see a folder, you will insert the given password and hit enter.


 These are some methods you can use to lock a folder in windows 11. If you don't want to pay for the third-party software, you can use the built-in encryption tool to encrypt and password-protect your folder. However, you should know that the encrypted folders can be accessible to those who can log in to your account in windows 11. Don't rely on a built-in encryption tool or WinRAR if you have some essential confidential documents. It is recommended to install a third-party security app like Folder Lock.